October, 2017 | Softnet Solutions Ltd

7 Signs It’s Time To Change Your Website Hosting

After all the time you spend creating your website to attract your audience and expand your site, you may not realize the importance of choosing the best web hosting platform to use. Naturally, most amateur web designers opt in for the cheaper web host server, but they don’t realize how badly it can affect their site. Below are the top seven signs your business may be using a poor web hosting service and it is finally time to look up “how to change website host” once and for all.

1. Poor Uptime

Clearly, any web hosting service guarantees that your website will be up nearly 100 percent of the time. However, this is not entirely the case, due to malware, high traffic, power outages, and tech glitches.

If you find that your website is up less than 99 percent of the time, you can be seriously missing out on sales, SEO, and traffic that your business can be benefiting from. This, of course, means that you need to think about making the switch to another web host server, such as VPS hosting or cloud hosting, that can promise your website an improved uptime.

2. Security Problems

Although your web host may seem secure, most of these companies don’t offer their clients basic security such as anti-virus protection or firewalls. This can be an issue to your company due to the lack of security and trust, especially if you could potentially lose your data if your website is hacked. If you find that your website hosting platform doesn’t have security built-in, it’s time to start changing hosting providers.

3. Lack of Bandwidth

Recent studies have shown that a typical internet user only waits three seconds for web pages to load before closing them. If you find that your website takes a long time to load, you might not have adequate bandwidth to sustain the amount of online visitors you have.

Most cases, you can easily fix this by increasing your web host package. But, if your provider doesn’t offer any larger packages, you should try exploring other web hosting platforms, like VPS hosting.

4. SEO Issues

Although SEO doesn’t entirely depend on your web host, factors such as downtime for your site and speed can greatly decrease the importance SEO makes, which could result in your company losing clients. If you notice a steady pattern in these factors or see them increase over time, it may be time to consult other web hosting options.

5. Increased Pricing

Although pricing increases can happen on any web hosting platform, if you notice it happening constantly or are too expensive for you to manage, it’s time to look for alternative web hosting options.

No matter what, you will have to pay for good quality services, but there really is no need to overpay for them. Especially if you notice common occurrences of website downtime and lags across your site with price increases, don’t let be a victim to a web host taking advantage of your business. Do yourself a favor and switch to a more affordable, Windows VPS option

6. Lack of Customer Support

When you pay for a web hosting package, you should be able to contact your platform’s customer service to report any website problems or account issues. However, there are companies out there that care a little less about their clients and do not offer customer support. This should be a red flag to your company and you should make the switch to a different web hosting platform asap. Look for web hosting platforms that offer customer support 24/7, or at the very least, a number or email to contact about any problems you may be having

7. You Joined a Bad Platform

Anyone can buy services from a bad web hosting platform, it’s easier than you think. However, what’s harder is identifying if it’s a bad company or not, you can do this by identifying if it is blacklisting, attacking, or eating up your bandwidth. Plus, you can browse web hosting review sites to make sure the company or platform you join has a good reputation. Check out Windows VPS instead.


How to Rank #1 in Google

How to Rank #1 in Google

Why You Should Blog Your Way to Better Business

Blogging is perhaps the No. 1 way to boost your visibility on search engines. It will also drive organic traffic to your site (read: traffic you didn’t pay for with advertising).

That’s right, it helps drive traffic to your site for free. Is anything better than free?

Here are some other great reasons blogging helps your business:

1. One of Google’s First Ranking Factors Is Content

Google loves pages with good content – it’s one of the search engine’s major ranking factors. And, whatever Google loves gets closer and closer to a first-page ranking, the holy grail of SEO.

Of course, good content has defining features. When you have a blog, you can strive to hit all of them in every post. This will boost your individual page ranking and your site ranking.

Here’s what your content should strive to do to rank:

  • Be relevant. The topic you write about should fit into your industry, but also be relevant to what your customers need. Relevance, of course, also means you should be using keywords and key phrases in your content. It’s no longer about keyword density, though. Rather, it’s about placement in the right areas (H1s and H2s, for instance) and using them naturally throughout your blog posts.
  • Hit the right length. The word count of the blogs you post has an effect on the amount of traffic you get. Hit the sweet spot regarding length, and you could see a lot more page visits, leads, and conversions. According to HubSpot, it’s best to go longer. In a study they did of their most successful posts, the ones that got the highest engagement were between 2,250 and 2,500 words:
  • Be comprehensive. Along with length, your posts should go in-depth on relevant topics. Don’t skim the surface – explore the nooks, crannies, and facets of your subject, and come out with golden pieces of wisdom for your readers.

Here’s a piece of an infographic from Social Media Today that simplifies how beneficial blogging is for driving traffic:

2. Blogging Is a Great Conversion Tool

Once you optimize your posts to drive in traffic, your blog can also convert those visitors into solid leads. You can do it by adding a call-to-action at the end of every blog post.

If your blog intrigues your audience and they enjoy reading it, your CTAs can become tempting, too. Wherever your call-to-action takes them – to a landing page where they enter their e-mails for an offer, or to one of your sales pages where they’re prompted to do business with you – if they follow through, you’ve captured a lead through a blog.

The best part: If you’re blogging regularly, you’ll have tons of different lead-generating tools out there that search engines are indexing and people are finding.

This leads into our next point…

3. Blogging Gets You Steady, Long-Term Growth

Creating a blog and keeping it updated generates content. Each post is an optimized tool that helps search engines find you, rank you and present your link to users in the SERPs.

As you generate more blogs, you drop more and more of these seeds into the soil of the Internet. Your posts take root as search engines note how you’ve optimized each blog. They also analyze how much content you put out, how fresh your site is, and the quality of the sites that are linking back to you.

The more seeds you have out there, the better your content crop will fare. A time passes, the first seeds you planted will grow from sprouts to saplings to full-grown trees. They’ll have wide, spreading branches that will fan out all over the Internet.

Here’s a great blogging stat that backs that up: Business websites with 401-1,000 pages on their sites regularly get six times more leads than business websites with only 51-100 pages.

More blogs, more pages. More pages, more leads. More leads, more conversions. You get the idea.

It takes time and patience, but it works. If you want a content forest that can get you noticed, start a blog.

Article by Jack Joseph from Sofnet Solutions Ltd

Disaster Recovery- Cloud Backup Services

The cloud has transform the data backup sector. On account of its reasonable value point, companies can get an offsite solution that consequently backups all of the data. The solution is basic and the data is accessible whenever and anyplace. In this article we will discuss more about cloud backup services.
One of the worst nightmares would be seeing your business downtime. It’s essential for organizations to ensure that their data is secured and backed up in case of a crisis. Tragically, around 50% of small and medium-sized organizations are sure that their data is being backed up legitimately. They feel as though they do not have the specialized skill or equipment to backup their critical data properly.

Unfortunately, fiasco sits tight for nobody and can strike whenever and in any shape. Even something as harmless as inadvertently dropping a vital hard drive can toss a business into a spiral. Regardless the sort of catastrophe that may happen to a business, you as an organization might just experience one. That is the place when data backup becomes possibly the most important factor.

Online backup service, also alias cloud backup or backup as a service is a strategy of offsite data storage in which records, folders, or the whole content of a hard drive are frequently backed up on a remote server or PC with a network connection. The core reason behind online backup is: To secure the data – be it business information or individual – from the danger of misfortune related to fire, burglary, hacking, or some other sort of innovative calamities.

To refresh or reestablish a cloud backup, clients need to utilize the service providers particular customer application or a Web program interface. Files and information can be consequently spared to the cloud backup service on a regular, planned premise, or the data can be naturally backed up whenever changes are made. For companies, enterprise-grade cloud backup solutions are accessible that commonly include basic highlights, for example, archiving and calamity recuperation. Archiving help to fulfill an endeavor’s lawful necessities for data maintenance, and as a major aspect of an organization’s disaster recovery plan, the remote, off-site storage offered by cloud reinforcement guarantees the information stays safe should the venture’s nearby information be risked by a catastrophe, for example, fire, surge, hacker assault or worker theft.

Here are few benefits of online backup:
• The most vital part of backup is that backup are put away in an alternate area from the original data. So, in case of any disaster occurence where the data is stored originally, you don’t have to worry. Because your backups are save and secured in different locations.
• Remote backup does not require client intervention. The client does not need to change tapes, mark CDs or perform other manual advances.
• Unlimited data retention.
• Some remote backup services will work ceaselessly, going down records as they are changed.
• Most remote backup services will keep up a rundown of renditions of your records.
• Most remote backup services will utilize a 128 – 448 piece encryption to send data over unsecured connections (i.e. web)
• A couple of backup services can decrease backup by just transmitting changed binary information bits.

Online backup is valuable! But, diverse services can have a greater number of advantages in a few ranges than others. Before hoping to make this venture, you should first figure out what you require. When you figure out what you require from your online backup services, you can go forward to discover a service provider that will offer you that. The advantages of online backup are numerous; simply make sure that your online backup benefit fits your necessities.

Top 10 SEO Tips For Bloggers

There are many factors that go into how you rank in the search engines, but today we are going to focus on the top 10 SEO tips for bloggers.

SEO Tip #1 – Keyword Research

In order to do keyword research, you are going to need a keyword research tool.

There are free tools, like the Google keyword planner, which will show you monthly search volume for a keyword.

That is a start, but the problem is that the keyword planner does not show you how difficult it will be to rank for your keyword.

That is critical information that you have to have if you expect to rank on the first page for your keyword.

SEO Tip #2 – Use Your Keyword in the URL

You should use your exact keyword in the URL for your blog post.

In this case the URL for this post should contain /Top 10 SEO Tips for Bloggers.

This tells the search engines right away what your post is about and what they should be looking for on your page.

SEO Tip #3 – Use Your Keyword in the Title

You should use your exact keyword in the title of your post and preferably in the beginning.

Again, this lets the search engines know exactly what your page is about.

If you are using WordPress, most themes allow you to use the Title of your post as the URL by default. In which case the top 2 tips are covered.

More Article Coming,Written by Jackson (SEO Consultant at Softnet Solutions Ltd)

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website (All Things Considered)

A lot of people and businesses will pour money into a professional website only to find out that visitors won’t magically begin appearing on their site.

As a digital marketer, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is “how do I get traffic to my website?” I probably get this question a lot because when you Google it, all the search results have one problem in common…

They don’t differentiate by the type of website you are trying to drive traffic to!

The goal of this post is to describe how to get new traffic to your website, no matter what type of site you have. There is one important distinction to make before we dive in.

When it comes to getting visitors to your site, you want to grow your audience and also keep them coming back. But for the sake of scope, we will be focusing on driving new users to your site. This will allow you to grow your traffic over time, instead of keeping it constant.

The objective of this post is not to teach you how to drive traffic because there are a lot of “it depends” situations. Instead, you will get to see examples of how real websites go about obtaining new visitors, and at the end, you will notice that we link out to resources that show you exactly how to drive traffic using specific strategies.